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We recognize the challenges faced by every small fund manager to build an institutional-quality infrastructure, back office, technology, compliance, and client servicing.


To assist our hedge fund partners build better businesses, we enlisted the services of world-class service providers who offer top quality yet cost-conscious solutions.  This is a win-win solution: investors benefit from improved operational infrastructure; managers are better able to pass institutional due diligence.


Our service partners can help managers put the right processes in place, become more compliant, institutionalize their business quicker and less expensively.


Our partners can assist our investor clients and manager partners with:


  • Fund Formation

  • Transaction Costs

  • Compliance

  • Automated Marketing Technology

  • Branding

  • Technology Hosting

  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

  • Professional Liability Insurance (D&O, E&O)

  • Cyber-Security Protection

  • Cyber-Security Liability Insurance

  • Independent Due Diligence and Manager Research


Please contact us to discuss your particular needs and challenges in building out your hedge fund business.

Our Partners

We work with some of the top service providers - auditors, administrators, law firms, and technology vendors.  Some of our partners are:

Willis Towers

With a network representing over $500 billion, HFIN One connects hedge fund managers and investors to information, tehnology and people they need in a central online location, helping users reduce costs, work faster, and achieve more. 


Willis Towers Watson (NASDAQ: WLTW) is a global advisory, broking, and solutions company that helps clients manage risk, optimize benefits, cultivate talent, and build better organizations.


BarclayHedge is the industry's premier database of hedge funds and commodity advisors, providing coverage for almost 8,000 firms and their funds worldwide. 


Infohedge is a leading information technology and private cloud hosting firm specializing in the alternative investment marketplace - hedge funds, fund of funds, private wealth and investment management firms.


Sadis Goldberg is a leading NY-based law firm with practices in hedge, private equity, venture capital, and commodity fund formation, transactional counseling, regulatory and compliance, among other areas.  They are voted as "Best Global Law Firm" by Hedgeweek in 2016


Atrato Advisors is a research and consulting firm, providing independent investment and operational due diligence reports on alternative investment managers.  Atrato services multiple family offices, institutions, and wealth advisors in the U.S. and globally.


Lombard International is a global insurance company specializing in life assurance solutions for succession planning and wealth structuring, servicing high net worth individuals and family offices worldwide.



Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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